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interview with comed’s ceo, anne pramaggiore
In this interview conducted for Gagen MacDonald’s “Let Go and Lead” series, ComEd’s President and CEO, Anne Pramaggiore talks about leadership and the importance of communications in corporate organizations. She elaborates on her leadership style, gives a nuanced reading of diversity, equality and inclusion, and explains how ComEd uses its “Powerful Voices” program to showcase the diversity of people who work at the organization.
According to her, hiring, retention and promotion is a numbers game and is easy to measure. The harder part is inclusion. Do the diverse voices in the organization really get heard? Are they part of the influence map of the organization? She posits that it is important for leaders to ensure that the people they lead are allowed to tell their stories so as to understand and value their diverse experiences and make them feel invested in the mission.
pecha kucha
Based on the Zen approach to multimedia presentations as popularized by Garr Reynolds, Pecha Kuchas present ideas in a simple, unexpected and concise manner. Likened to a visual Haiku, Pecha Kuchas use powerful images and a few words to deliver memorable messages. It is designed to be completed in 6 minutes, 40 seconds using 20 images presented for 20 seconds each (20x20). Here is a Pecha Kucha from my PR Writing class titled, "Global warming and the environment: What we need to do." It is about an urgent issue that affects everyone on the planet. Enjoy!
my journey
Repurposed from the first assignment submitted for my PR Foundations class, this video chronicles my journey, and attempts to capture the highlights of my career and the essence of my personality. Based on the concept that life is a journey with a lot to learn and experience along the way, the camera follows me through the streets of Chicago as I explore some of my favorite places in the city that I now call home. The video also tries to highlight my most cherished values in its narrative. Would you like to know more? Watch the video and come along on "My Journey..."